
About Me

Hi there! Thanks for Visiting!

My name is Bethany.  Currently I'm a 19 year old Undergraduate Anthropology major and Ceramics Minor student.  I have a lot of interests, food obviously being a big one.  My mom has been teaching me how to cook since I was really young, so I am just hoping to be as good as her one day!

Aside from my passion of cooking, I also love to travel anywhere and everywhere.  I've never been out of the USA but that is next on my list! 

Crafting and art are also big things for me.  I've recently learned how to sew different things as well and I never thought I would enjoy it as much as I do! 

Family and friends is really important to me and *surprise surprise* whenever we get together for the holidays, there is always a ton of food!  The last few years we have gone to my Aunt's house for Thanksgiving and throughout the day there was about twenty people there....there were still leftovers!

Even though I'm not going to culinary school, I would still run a bakery if I had the opportunity, especially if I could finally convince my mother to open it with me :)

Well, that's pretty much it... I hope you enjoythe blog! Feel free to post a comment telling me a little about yourself!