
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lazy Tuesday

So Tuesday is my busy day (contrary to the title) with four classes, gym time, and homework all squished into the 16 hour block that is my day.  By this time at night, it's time to relax! 

I was thinking today, how surprisingly easy it can be to eat healthy in this day and age compared to even a few generations ago.  Now, I LOVE food.  There is nothing wrong with loving every aspect of a chocolate cake or a Thanksgiving diner.  However, I also enjoy being healthy and eating smart.  Everything is fine in moderation in my view.  How cliched is that? But no, really!  All you see these days are articles on what not to eat, not what you can eat and still feel good about yourself.  So, in my humble opinion, eat what you want (again in moderation), exercise regularly, and keep up on your sleep and you can lead a very healthy and still pleasurable life style.  I just know that I would be miserable if I had to give up cake and iced cream for the sake of following some strange fad diet.  In many of my recipes, you will see that I make some substitutions.  Usually I will put these as a side note, and you are more than welcome to just ignore it.  I promise though, the recipes I put up, I have tested with the substitutions and I wouldn't put them up if they didn't work! 

Have a good Wednesday all! Hope to post again Thursday :)


  1. hi beth! thanks for your comment! it's so great to read a little bit about my readers. good luck on your blog-- you're off to a great start! :) xoxo

  2. Thanks! It's great to get some feedback from a seasoned blogger! :)
